Photos from The Fox

Here are the photos that Josh from Pointed North Photography created from The Fox Bikepacking Race.

We hired Josh to capture our events this season because he is one of the best in business. We really appreciate his hustle and creativity before, during and after the events. Thanks so much for your artistry.

Josh will be back shooting The Heck of the North. Until then, we hope you are recovered and already missing those North Shore woods and Grand Marais sunrises.

Ride the Good Line!

Jeremy and The Fox Team

Kim Holak, overall fastest female

The McFaddens and Leege rolling the North Shore. Bodee, 15 and Chloe, 17, were classy bikepack racers and great to have in the event. Thanks to Duluth Devo for fostering all types of cycling!

The Fox Results

Our team thanks all the intrepid racers of this inaugural Fox Bikepacking race! We had a great time and will share more photos and stories soon. The race was made better by a wide range of ages and bikepacking experience. I am very proud of this group, their spirit and friendliness. It makes hosting these events all the better. Thank you.

Here are the results. Please email/contact me with edits from your side of the handlebars.

A giant THANK YOU! to our excellent volunteer team: Lara, Ron, Rob, Char, Larry, Erica, Kyle. We could not accomplish this without your expertise and hard work.

A late shout out to Crapola Granola from Ely, Minnesota for helping fuel our racers. Seriously good granola made in Ely.

More soon!

Chloe Leege, age 17 and the next gen of bikepacking/adventure racing. Great Work!

Bodee McFadden, age 15, next gen of bikepacking/adventure racing. Congratulations!