Photo Josh Kowaleski
Please note that all Heck of the North Production events (Le Grand du Nord, The Wolf & The Fox, and The Heck of the North) are self-supported. This means very limited assistance from volunteers and signage en-route.
E-bikes are allowed only in the 26 Mile team event. All other participants must use a self-propelled bicycle (without a motor assist.) See details for this special E-Bike category.
Plan accordingly! These courses are remote! There are no service stations or stores on course. One aid station per course. Have basic repair kit (including multi-tool) ready and know how to use it. Bring an air pump and tube (not just CO2 cartridge.)
All riders are expected to have a simple odometer or gps device on their bike. Cell coverage is spotty, unreliable/nonexistent on course. Do not rely on your cell phone for navigation.
All riders must wear a helmet. We also strongly recommend wearing some kind of eye protection.
Have a backup plan in place. There is NO Le Grand du Nord sanctioned sag support if you breakdown (physically or mentally). We will assist as we are able. We have limited volunteers at the checkpoints. In the event of an emergency CALL 911.
Outside support from teams, family, friends is forbidden. Riders ARE allowed to assist other riders if they so choose (nutrition, water, tools, wrenching support, first aid, etc.). Prearranged support will mean disqualification and a public shaming TBD.
Please be civil, kind, and friendly to other riders, volunteers and the public. This is not the Tour de France- enjoy yourself, your neighbors and this beautiful part of the world!
Always Ride as Far Right as is safe. Please share the road with other cars, ATV’s and pedestrians!
Lastly- please do not litter. Thanks for being good gravel citizens!
Aid Stations
Each event distance provides one aid station staffed by experienced volunteers. We do NOT offer a drop bag service. Each station will have water, energy drink (usually Gatorade), bananas and other classic snacks. Each station will have a toilet. As always, come prepared with the items you know you will need that we may not supply (special snacks, repair tool, spare tube, pump, etc.)
26 Miler Aid Station - Mile 13
50 Miler Aid Station - Mile 22
110 Miler Aid Station - Mile 38/78