The Winter Wolf Route

Farrow is cooking which is also a lot like setting one’s bike on fire. It tasted good regardless.

Farrow is cooking which is also a lot like setting one’s bike on fire. It tasted good regardless.

This Winter, I thought I would share one of my favorite routes during the cold season.

Open here for the: Winter Wolf Route (Note that this route is on plowed roads, except for the two unmaintained sections. I highly recommend studded tires. The counties do an impressive job of plowing, but often icy spots remain.)

In particular, I wanted a course that would usually, almost certainly, necessitate a sleep— OUTSIDE.

TO BE CLEAR: This is NOT a Heck event. I am sharing a route and a challenge that might inspire you to get outside and test your gear and fortitude; a fun way to shake up this long, homebound year.

To spice things up, I am suggesting a very UNOFFICIAL challenge to those that may want to ride this course. And of course, you may use this route in any way you deem acceptable to you. Here are the guidelines I will be suggesting for myself and you for this challenge.

  1. This is an unsupported (no team, friend, family, self-cached) challenge. Riders may only have support from public businesses on or near the route.

  2. This challenge will take place any time between December 15, 2020 and March 15, 2021.

  3. Please be safe regarding the spread of Covid 19. Wear a face mask when near others. We want to limit the spread to this region as much as possible. Please take this aspect seriously.

  4. Riders taking this challenge agree to sleep outside. No motels, houses, cabins, etc. Use your bivy, tent, whatever. Camping is NOT allowed this Winter at USFS campgrounds, though, due to Covid and constraints on USFS personnel. Camping or bivvying is only allowed on public USFS land that is not an official campground. You are allowed to camp at the Grand Marais Municipal CG.

  5. The route contains two sections that are not plowed by the counties. Expect to walk. But they may have snowmobile tracks/traffic. So maybe you will get lucky with riding. Be prepared to push your rig for miles on these two sections.

  6. There is logging truck traffic on these roads. Please be careful. Wear Hi-vis clothing articles. Expect the trucks to not be able to slow down or see you. There may also be snowmobile traffic on the unplowed sections. Everyone has a right to these roads, but again, expect their speed to be a safety risk.

  7. You may time your efforts and share them in the comments of this post. Obviously, conditions will vary dramatically from December 15 through March 15. So these posted times are very relative numbers.

  8. There is only one bar/tavern (The Trestle Inn) on route. Be prepared to melt snow for water or filter from moving water creeks. There are no convenient stores. Pack food and gear accordingly.

My intent with this route is for you to get out and enjoy this region in a time of year that is really special. This ride will also test your cycling and camping skills in Winter. Personally, I am a bit tired of lugging gear around in races and not actually using it. So here’s your chance to go hard but also practice Winter outdoor skills including cold weather sleeping, water making and clothing,moisture management.

Feel free to contact me with stories or photos.

Ride the Good Line,

Jeremy Kershaw

Farrow on the way to Grand Marais.

Farrow on the way to Grand Marais.