We are a Go


We are a GO.

After working with representatives from MN Dept's of Health, OSHA, Natural Resources, we were given guidance last Friday that would allow us to start producing events this season. We are still working toward our goal of online registration beginning March 1 via our Heck of the North website. We are having to make some major decisions about design, safety and creative features for the season. Thank you for your patience as we continue to navigate this ever changing situation.

We will be working overtime to re-tool the events to continue to be creative, safe and challenging for this 2021 season. I will admit that the task is daunting. But we are motivated by our continued love and passion for cycling, welcoming new riders and tapping into the creative energy of our amazing partners (sponsors, community and volunteers.) This collective power will see us through a great season.

Please stay tuned to our website and Facebook page for upcoming reminders and updates.

Let’s Ride the Good Line together this year!
