Mid Winter and Where we Stand

Won’t be long. Le Grand du Nord climbing up out of Cascade River. Photo Josh Kowaleski

Hello Graveleers! We hope your Winter has been full of all that the season has to offer. Skiing, fat tire biking and strength training have been on the menu. It’s so good to have snow and colder temps to keep life active on the North Shore.

Registration goes live March 1 for Le Grand du Nord!. We are as excited as ever to bring you three events this season (The Wolf is on hold as we balance family life with event hosting). We are trying a new Vintage category as well as a non-competitive team E-Bike category for the 26 mile event. We welcome all and if you’re a seasoned Le Grand rider, invite someone new to gravel racing this year! Links to our registration page will flow through this website.

OK. Time for some hard truths that we want you to be aware of. Our friends and event partners at the United States Forest Service are in a tough spot right now. Coming into the season, we were unsure if the Forest Service would be able to permit our events (all three Heck races rely on roads maintained by the USFS) due to extremely limited budgeting. But they pulled through by way of some incredible work and luck. But we fear that our luck may be running out due to the republican/Trump/Musk push to cut budgets event more within federally funded agencies that help us live our best lives.

I am a politically-minded person by nature and I have always viewed gravel cycling as a form of protest. And I have resisted the urge to be overtly political through our business. This is a complicated thing to balance in my brain and heart. Our primary goal is to bring all types of people together to share the experience of riding gravel. But there are times when world politics seep right into the core of what we do. This is one of those times. The facts are that how we run our family business are being directly impacted by the actions of Trump, Musk and the republican party. Theirs is a thoughtless wrecking ball of behavior that is tearing apart the lives of many hard-working Americans.

My heart hurts for what is going on right now. But we will continue to live within our motto to “Ride the Good Line” and being Graveleer. We will never stop welcoming everyone! Our events are a place to share the best of the cycling life. Be good to each other and learn how you can be part of something helpful in your community.

Jeremy Kershaw jeremybkershaw@gmail.com